About the Project 

In the Summer of 2018, the County’s Coastside Design Review Committee (CDRC) initiated discussions through Special Open Study Session meetings for the purpose of updating the current Design Standards for the Midcoast.  Through these meetings, which are open to the public, the CDRC established the following goals for the update process:

  • Expand the CDRC’s purview to non-residential structures in the Midcoast (e.g., Commercial, Industrial)
  • Create a separate Midcoast Commercial Zoning District for the areas currently zoned C-1 in El Granada, Moss Beach and Montara, including purposes, performance standards, and permitted uses.
  • Combine and update residential and commercial design review standards, including those regulating:
    • Building styles
    • Building height measurement
    • Landscape standards
    • Site design standards
  • Update CDRC operational procedures

The CDRC established the following Mission Statement:

To establish new and updated design standards for Residential, Multifamily, Mixed-use, Commercial (nonresidential), Commercial- Recreation, Light-Industrial, Agricultural (near residential), Planned Unit Development (PUD), and El Granada Gateway development that complements state regulations, area character and the surrounding natural setting to have a more harmonious Coastside community design aesthetic.

The update process will require changing applicable policies of multiple zoning regulations (i.e., County Design Review (DR) Zoning District Regulations, including the “Standards for Design for One- and Two-Family Residential Development in the Midcoast”), as well as the “Community Design Manual” and the Local Coastal Program. 

Roles in the Midcoast Design Standards Update Process

Co-chairs: Beverly Garrity (Montara Rep) and Katie Kostiuk (Architect) 
Documentarian: Bruce Chan (Landscape Architect)
Members: CDRC

To contact the CDRC members by email, please email with “Input on the Midcoast Design Review Standards Update” in the subject line. (Please note that communication may not contain information that violates the Brown Act, i.e., discussion regarding specific projects.)

See CDRC Roster and Membership Information.

Presentation to the Midcoast Community Council - Oct 24, 2018

CDRC Design Standards Update – DRAFT Process Outline

Notes from the Meeting of June 7, 2018

Notes from the Meeting of July 18, 2018

Notes from the Meeting of September 27, 2018

Notes from the Meeting of November 8, 2018

Notes from the Meeting of February 28, 2018

Current Standards for the Midcoast

Special Open Study Sessions

Find study materials at the Midcoast Community Council website.


For questions or comments regarding meetings and/or the County’s process for this update, please contact:

Camille Leung, Senior Planner