Wednesday, May 15, 2019
06:00pm to 07:15pm
3322 Alameda de las Pulgas
Engine Bay
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Project Description: Menlo Park Fire Protection District is proposing to: (1) merge the existing 22,433 sq. ft. fire station parcel (APN: 074-036-240) with the adjacent residential 6,000 sq. ft. parcel (APN: 074-036-220), resulting in an approximate 28,433 sq. ft. parcel; (2) demolish the existing 4,020 sq. ft. single-story fire station and existing 2,050 sq. ft. residence; and (3) construct a new 13,200 sq. ft. two-story fire station on the merged parcel. The new station will include three apparatus bays, offices, conference room, crew dorms, crew restrooms, kitchen, dining area, day rooms, workshop, fitness, and storage rooms. The development will include the removal of 11 trees for the expanded building footprint, perimeter fencing, an emergency generator, fueling tank, trash enclosure, parking, and new landscaping. The site will also house an existing fire district owned con-ex container for emergency supplies. All fire engines will continue to exit the station onto Alameda de las Pulgas.
Bryan Albini
County of San Mateo
Planning and Building Department
455 County Center, 2nd Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 363-1807 T
(650) 363-4849 F